120 Stable Road | Lehighton, PA 18235 | 610-681-4202

Garbage / Recycling

Towamensing Township Towamensing Township Garbage Collection
120 Stable Road
Lehighton, PA 18235
Phone: 610 681-4202
Email: info@towamensingtownship.com

Collection rates for the January 1 - December 31, 2025 billing year
Regular Family - $295.00
Senior Citizen Couple - $220.00 | Single Senior Citizen - $200.00
100% Disabled Veterans - $200.00 | Active Duty Military - $200.00

Property owners are responsible for garbage bills
A garbage fee must be paid for any property improved with a building, whether or not the building is used or unused, occupied or unoccupied.”
Garbage Resolution 2022-7.

A $5.00 discount will apply for all payments received in full by January 31, 2025. Payments received from February 1 to February 28, 2025, will be processed at the billed rate. If payment is not received by March 1, 2025, the account will accrue a $20.00 per month late fee and $6.00 per month late fee thereafter.

There is a $30.00 returned check fee for all NSF checks.

Online Bill Pay

Now you can pay your Garbage Fee from the comfort of your home or office by using our online payment service. Credit cards accepted: MasterCard, Discover, American Express or Visa. Click HERE for more information.

Senior Single and Couple
You must be 62 at time of billing and have only seniors living with you. In order to receive senior rates, you couple or single, must be age 62 at the time of billing and have only senior citizens living in the home. Proof, copy of valid ID, is required to receive discount of senior rate.

Disabled Veterans
100% disabled veteran’s fee will be reduced from the family rate of $295.00 to $200.00 for the calendar year. You must provide the Township with documentation from the United States Dept. of Veterans’ Affairs, each and every year you want to receive the discount.

Active Duty Military
If one or more of the heads of household are residing in the home for which garbage collection service is provided, and is on active military duty, your fee will be reduced from the family rate of $295.00 to $200.00. You must show proof to the Township Secretary to receive discount. Active duty orders and military I.D. are required.

Annual Garbage Bill
Garbage bills are mailed to residence owners the first week of January. The billing year runs from January 1st to December 31st. Please be sure to read the annual garbage letter insert.

Garbage Information

Garbage must be set out for pickup by 6:00 a.m. on your designated collection day.
Per week limits are as follows:

  • Family – (4) 20 gallon bags or the equivalent of 80 gallons per week
  • Senior citizen couple - (3) 20 gallon bags or the equivalent of 60 gallons per week***
  • Single senior - (2) 20 gallon bags or the equivalent of 40 gallons per week

There is a $6.00 per bag charge for additional bags of garbage over the above, weekly limits.

Payment can be made by placing a check in an envelope attached to the additional bags or by paying in the office. You will be billed if prepayment is not made.

Pick up for large items, There is now a $12.00 per item charge for pick up of large items excluding TVs & electronics, Upon prepayment in office, will take place on your regular weekly garbage collection day. No more than one large item per week will be collected. Please contact the office the week prior to placing the item outside for payment. We still encourage residents to bring their large items and electronics to the Spring & Fall Cleanup Event.

Additional Regulations

  1. Animal waste will not be accepted.
  2. NO televisions or computers. There will be spring and fall recycling events. See second page for dates.
  3. NO construction material of any kind: carpet, dry wall, paneling, ceiling material, bathroom fixtures, lumber, flooring, cabinets, molding, shingles or other roofing materials.
  4. NO yard waste: grass cuttings, leaves, branches, etc. Residents are allowed to burn yard waste.
  5. Garbage will be accepted in 20 gallon bags, or smaller, weighing less than 50 lbs each.
  6. Garbage cans broken in any way must be replaced.
  7. Lids cannot be tied or chained to the cans.
  8. Cans or bags of garbage must be placed within 3 feet of the road, be clearly visible and should not be hidden by bushes or mail boxes.
  9. Ash must be bagged for pickup. Please make sure that the ashes are COLD before placing them in bags.
  10. PLEASE DO NOT BRING BAGS OF GARBAGE TO THE TOWNSHIP BUILDING. If you have missed your pickup day, save the bags for the following week.

*The garbage crew is not required to pick up any garbage over 50 lbs or containers over 33 gallons. Crew is not required to pick up garbage that has been scattered on the ground, due to wind, animals or broken bags.

The following Holidays will affect your Garbage Collection

Week of December 30, 2024, (New Year's) pickups will be December 30, 31, January 2
Christmas tree pick-up days are January 8 and 9
Week of May 26, 2025, (Memorial Day) pickups will be May 27, 28, 29
Week of June 30, 2025 (Independence Day) pickups will be June 30, July 1, 2 (no change to schedule)
Week of September 1, 2025 (Labor Day) pickups will be Sept. 2, 3, 4
Week of December 22, 2025 (Christmas) pickups will be December 22, 23, 26

(There will be regular garbage pickup on December 1, 2025, which is the Monday after Thanksgiving.)
**If there is inclement weather, your trash collection will take place the next available work day. If it is not collected please place out the following week.

Winter Exceptions
Our crew members also treat the roads during winter storms. To avoid confusion, garbage not collected on your regular pick up day it can be placed out the following week.
Snow plowing always takes precedence over garbage pick-up.

Office hours
Monday – Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Closed for lunch from 12:00 P.M. to 12:30 P.M.

Garbage Reminder
Garbage must be curbside by 6:00 a.m. If you did not put your garbage out on time, place it back out for pick up the following week on your regular garbage day.

Recycling Information


Acceptable Items

  • Plastics #1 & #2 (soda/water bottles, milk jugs, detergent bottles)
  • Newspaper (do not bundle)
  • Glass bottles & jars
  • Cereal & Cracker type boxes
  • Office & school paper (all colors)
  • Aluminum, steel & tin cans
  • Phone books
  • Brown paper bags
  • Magazines & catalogs
  • Junk mail & envelopes
  • Cardboard (broken down)
  • Shredded paper (must be in bags)

Scrap metal is accepted. Call the office for specific information on when and where to drop it off. Waste motor oil is accepted for use in our burner as long as no other materials such as water or anti-freeze are mixed with the oils. Cooking oil/grease is accepted as long as it is not mixed with any other material.

Tires, with or without rims, are accepted for recycling. There is a charge of $8.00 each for tires sized smaller than 22.5" and $15.00 each for tires sized 22.5" or larger. These fees must be paid in the office during regular business hours when dropping them off.

Unacceptable Items

  • Garbage
  • Paper Towels/Napkins
  • Propane/Helium Tanks
  • Plastic Strapping
  • Food Waste
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Wood
  • Ropes/Cords
  • Food Tainted Items
  • Styrofoam
  • Wood Plastic
  • Rubber Hoses
  • Plastic Bags
  • PVC Pipe
  • Toys Batteries
  • Tarps/Plastic Sheets

Not all plastics are recyclable.
Plastic containers must have a recycling symbol & number on the bottom of the container to be recycled.

Please do not throw bags full of recycling into recycling slots. Place the individual items in their designated area.
Please rinse bottles & cans before disposal.

Spring and Fall Recycling/Clean-up Events
April 12, 2025 & September 27, 2025
Event Hours: Saturday -- 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.
Proof of Towamensing Residency is required.

Towamensing Township does not pick up large recyclable items at your residence. Please bring your large items to the Township building on the above weekends. We will accept furniture, mattresses, box springs, computers, appliances, household items, paint (preferably dried), exercise equipment, etc. during these events.

There is a charge to dispose of some of these items, you can contact the office for more information.

If you have any questions, please contact the office during regular business hours and the staff will be able to assist you.

The Supervisors, Staff and Crew want to thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Towamensing Township
© Towamensing Township