120 Stable Road | Lehighton, PA 18235 | 610-681-4202
Towamensing Township
Towamensing Township
Towamensing Township
Towamensing Township
Towamensing Township
Towamensing Township
Towamensing Township
Towamensing Township
Towamensing Township
Towamensing Township

Towamensing News

Zoning Hours for February 2025:

Thursday, February 6, 2025
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.

Thursday, February 13, 2025
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.

Thursday, February 20, 2025
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.

Thursday, February 27, 2025
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.

2025 Tax Collection Hours:
Office Hours: April & May: Mondays - 3:00pm to 6:00pm; July through December: Mondays - 3:00pm to 6:00pm (holidays excluded); May 27 through 30, by appointment. Evenings by appointment. Taxpayers can also mail payments or drop them in the drop box of the residence at 100 Palm Circle, Lehighton, PA 18235.

For return receipts, include both payment & taxpayer copies of the bill and a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your payments. Do not mail cash. Last day to pay taxes to the Tax Collector is December 31, 2025. No personal or business checks accepted after December 15, 2025.

Located off of Interchange Road, past Towamensing Elementary School. Palm Circle is located on your right. If coming from the fire company direction, Palm Circle is located on your left.

610-714-4240 or smtaxcollector@gmail.com

SLF is a serious invasive pest with a healthy appetite for our plants and it can be a significant nuisance, affecting the quality of life and enjoyment of the outdoors. If not contained, spotted lanternfly potentially could drain Pennsylvania's economy of at least $324 million annually, according to a study carried out by economists at Penn State. The spotted lanternfly uses its piercing-sucking mouthpart to feed on sap from over 70 different plant species. It has a strong preference for economically important plants including grapevines, maple trees, black walnut, birch, willow, and other trees. The feeding damage significantly stresses the plants which can lead to decreased health and potentially death.

As SLF feeds, the insect excretes honeydew (a sugary substance) which can attract bees, wasps, and other insects. The honeydew also builds up and promotes the growth for sooty mold (fungi), which can cover the plant, forest understories, patio furniture, cars, and anything else found below SLF feeding.

For more information on the spotted Lanternfly please visit https://extension.psu.edu/spotted-lanternfly

Towamensing Township Supervisors adopted the Tax Resolution 2025

Read the resolution HERE

Information detailing coverage and how to obtain flood insurance can be found at www.floodsmart.gov

Welcome To Towamensing Township

Towamensing Township The area known today as Towamensing Township was originally called "Saint Anthony's Wilderness". The word Towamensing is derived from a Lenape Indian word meaning uninhabited. Today, the township is semi-rural, with small farms interspersed between homes and woodlands. The jewel of our township is Beltzville State Park and Lake, providing residents and visitors with opportunities for year-round recreation including swimming, fishing, hiking, boating, bird-watching, and cross-country skiing.

The Township is located within the boundaries of the highly regarded Palmerton Area School District. Towamensing has an active youth sports program, and it is the first township in Carbon County to institute a policy to preserve its historic structures. You will find the township to be a dynamic location with friendly people whether you are planning a July afternoon visit or a permanent move here.

Feel free to browse our website or Contact Us with any questions you may have.

Towamensing Township
© 2021 Towamensing Township
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